- My deposit certificate fell due yesterday. 我的定期存折昨天到期了。
- My fixed deposit certificate fell due yesterday. 我的定期存折昨天到期了。
- My fix deposit certificate fall due yesterday . 我定期存折昨天到期了。
- My fix deposit certificate fall due yesterday. 我定期存折昨天到期了。
- Here is my deposit certificate and my ID card, miss. 小姐,这是我的存款凭单和身份证。
- And would you please fill out a deposit certificate over there. 你填一张存款单吧。
- A:We ask for a bankbook, deposit certificate and deposit slip. 我们需要看到存折、存单或者存款证明。
- Certificate of deposit Certificate of an interest-bearing time deposit with a bank. 定期储蓄存单在某银行中的有息定期储蓄存款单。
- Article 8 The term of a hypothecated loan on deposit certificate may not exceed the date of maturity of the hypothecated deposit certificate. 第八条存单质押贷款期限不得超过质押存单的到期日。
- The client may entrust any savings office to transact deposit collections in different places by presenting his own credentials and the deposit certificate( passbook). 客户可凭本人身份证件和存单()储蓄机构委托办理异地托收。
- Where a deposit certificate is hypothecated for a loan, the pledger shall entrust the loaner to handle the formalities for deposit certificate confirmation and stopping payment. 以存单作质押申请贷款时,出质人应委托贷款行申请办理存单确认和登记止付手续。
- Enclosed please find a new deposit certificate No. 500 for $100,000,- which represents thea principal and interest of the old certificate you sent us for renewal. 谨同函寄上新开定期存款第500号存折一份,面额100,000元,请查收为荷。该面额等于您寄来换新的旧存=折本金加上利息之和。
- The client may entrust any sxdyings office to transact deposit collections in different places by presenting his own credentials and the deposit certificate (passbook). 客户可凭本人身份证件和存单(折)向储蓄机构委托办理异地托收。
- Enclosed please find ad new deposit certificate No. 500d for $100,000,b which represents the principal and interest of the old certificate you sentus for cenewal. 谨同函寄上新开定期存款第500号存折一份,面额100,000元,请查收为荷。该面额等于您寄来换新的旧存=折本金加上利息之和。
- The client may entrust any savings office to transact deposit collections in different places by presenting his own credentials and the deposit certificate (passbook). 客户可凭本人身份证件和存单(折)向储蓄机构委托办理异地托收。
- On receipt of your instructions he will send the goods. 一经收到你的指令他就发货。
- Please send me a receipt for the money. 请寄给我一张收到此款的收据。
- She placed the receipt in her wallet [hand-bag]. 她把收条放到皮夹子[手提包]里了。
- We are in receipt of your letter of the 15th. 我们收到了您15日来函。
- Article 7 Deposit certificate of a hypothecated loan may be used to guarantee the principal and interest of the loan, penalty interest, damages, penalty and expenses for the obtainment of pledge. 第七条存单质押担保的范围包括贷款本金和利息、罚息、损害赔偿金、违约金和实现质权的费用。